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May 24, 2023

NSA Grad Pursues Master’s In Political Philosophy

“I've always been interested in political philosophy,” Aidan Dixon explained. Aidan, a recent graduate from New Saint Andrews College this spring, shared his passion for political philosophy. He plans to pursue graduate studies at The Van Andel School of Statesmanship at Hillsdale College in the fall of 2023. This article is part of a series highlighting the achievements of NSA graduates and their career paths with a liberal arts degree.

The Van Andel Graduate School of Statesmanship says that the main goal of its program is to teach students about American constitutionalism and prepare them for careers in public service, including politics, journalism, and academia. The program emphasizes the importance of understanding the first principles of American politics as established by the country’s founders.

"I think the Political Economy course in particular helped give a good selection of influential texts and analysis.”

Aidan expressed his gratitude towards the political philosophy course he undertook at NSA. “The course of study at NSA was pretty rigorous," Aidan says. "I think the Political Economics course in particular helped give a good selection of influential texts and analysis.”

Political Economics is a year-long political and economic philosophy course taught by Dr. Jonathan McIntosh, Fellow of Humanities. Dr. McIntosh has a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Dallas and has published writings on political philosophy as well as a book on Aquinas and Tolkien. The Political Economics course at NSA focuses on the history of major thinkers, texts, and ideas in Western political and economic thought, including Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Aquinas, John Calvin, Thomas Hobbes, and others. Some of the central political topics in the course are the nature and purpose of civil government, natural law and the law of nations, theonomy, the ethics of coercion, civil disobedience, the social contract, and others. 

Aidan says, “I was looking for similar programs that would let me get a more in-depth look at the foundations of Western political thought.”

The Van Andel Graduate School seeks to offer a rigorous study of political philosophy and of American political theory and practice. It strives to immerse students "in the core texts and original documents of the Western and American political traditions."

The Political Economics course at NSA focuses on the history of major thinkers, texts, and ideas in Western political and economic thought, including Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Aquinas, John Calvin, Thomas Hobbes, and others.

Aidan has also served in the US Marine Corps. He says this military work prepared him for academic work at NSA. Commenting on his time in the Marines, he says, “I think the best things I got from it were the discipline to self-improve and a look at how the rest of the world lives outside of my upbringing. Definitely an eye-opener in that regard.”

Looking ahead to the future, Aidan would like to go on to study for a Ph.D. He is thinking about a career in teaching political philosophy. He says he really enjoys studying the subject and he is interested in learning more. He says, “I would also like to help others learn more."

Aidan will begin his graduate work at The Van Andel Graduate School of Statesmanship in the fall of 2023.