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Code of Conduct

NSA exists to graduate leaders who shape culture living faithfully under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. To that end, students must join the faculty and staff in submitting themselves to Scripture's clear principles for our labors together as a community of Christian scholars, pledging annually to uphold NSA’s ideals and obey NSA’s standards. While we have found it convenient to group these ideals and standards under four headings––personal holiness, sound doctrine, academic integrity, and cultural reformation––we recognize that these are ultimately interconnected, and students who diligently follow Christ in all things will find themselves conforming to these standards by default. Our hope is that students will follow God's law without legalism and exercise their Christian liberties without worldliness. Students who have questions regarding anything in the Code of Conduct should feel welcome to approach their Faculty Advisor, the DSA, or both.


Students are expected to live faithfully under the Lordship of Christ with respect to:

(1) Personal holiness
(2) Sound doctrine
(3) Academic integrity
(4) Cultural reformation

What We Aim For