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August 28, 2024
The Men We Want and Need
The Masculine Virtue of Enduring Discomfort for Greater Glory
The modern pursuit of ease is an insidious poison, offering momentary relief while it saps the vitality of masculine honor and virtue. In an era where the unwillingness or inability to fight and build threatens to sweep men into a tide of emasculation and moral decay, the consequences are dire.
The Western world, once a beacon of distinguished civilization, has seen its luster dulled by the relentless onslaught of modernity and secularism. These ideologies fundamentally demand the emasculation of men, who are subdued by fear and taught to venerate safety and risk aversion as virtues.
To reform the West and recover its glory, we must cultivate men guided by the enduring virtues of faith, hope, and love—men whose strength is drawn from the joy of truth and the freedom it brings. These are men undeterred by the pressure of pain, conflict, discomfort, or even death. They remain resolute in the face of threats, mastering righteous self-restraint in the presence of temptation. Their laughter echoes with unyielding joy, even as the battles around them rage with increasing ferocity.
To reform the West and recover its glory, we must cultivate men guided by the enduring virtues of faith, hope, and love—men whose strength is drawn from the joy of truth and the freedom it brings.
The modern pursuit of ease is an insidious poison, offering momentary relief while it saps the vitality of masculine honor and virtue. In an era where the unwillingness or inability to fight and build threatens to sweep men into a tide of emasculation and moral decay, the consequences are dire.
The story of the West’s compromised glory begins with forgetting and forsaking God. It was Biblical Christianity that forged the West's greatness, with pillars so robust that they continue to bear the strain of today’s collapse. When men turn away from God, their glory becomes tarnished and is doomed to perish. Lies, with their ephemeral nature, can never attain or sustain true greatness. What is needed now are men who cherish the truth, for it is upon this foundation that righteous multigenerational legacies are built.
At New Saint Andrews College, we understand that shaping culture is no easy task. It is a challenge—arduous and demanding—but it is the price of achieving anything truly remarkable. The rigor we uphold is not an end in itself, but a necessary condition for glory. Those who disdain hard work will find that freedom and fruitfulness remain ever elusive. It is through the crucible of righteous fervor that character and competence are forged—qualities that our Lord deems good.
It was Biblical Christianity that forged the West's greatness, with pillars so robust that they continue to bear the strain of today’s collapse.
A future marked by freedom and prosperity rests solely in the hands of trinitarian God-fearing men—those willing to bruise their hands hoisting banners, wielding swords, and constructing cathedrals. The heavy hand of tyranny, wielded effectively by the world, is designed to devastate and destroy. Apathy, resignation, negligence, licentiousness, and the pursuit of ease are inherently entropic, devoid of vision, depth, and purpose—the inevitable offspring of idolatry. In cultivating virtuous men, we build with the future firmly in mind, fully acknowledging that the King of kings reigns there as well. Though we may struggle, suffer, and die, our King reigns victorious, and we press on with unwavering hope and joy.