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Trustee & Senior Fellow of Theology

Pastor Doug Wilson

Douglas Wilson, a founding board member of New Saint Andrews College, served in the submarine service of the U.S. Navy, then earned two B.A. degrees, one in Philosophy and one in Classical Studies, plus an M.A. in Philosophy; all three of his degrees were granted by the University of Idaho. He has been an Instructor at both the University of Idaho and Lewis & Clark State College, and is currently a Senior Fellow at New Saint Andrews College, where he has taught since its inception without compensation. At NSA he has taught Greek, Latin, Theology, Rhetoric, and various electives, and he currently teaches electives and also some courses in the MFA program. He has also taught many classes at Logos School, a classical Christian school in Moscow, Idaho, which he helped found. He has served Christ Church, Moscow, as a pastor since 1977, has founded New Saint Andrews College, Canon Press publishing house, the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches, and many mission churches around the US and internationally.

He has authored numerous books for a dozen different publishing houses on a variety of educational and devotional topics, such as Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning, published by Crossway Books in 1991, a book which contributed to the creation of the Association of Classical Christian Schools (ACCS). He has also co-authored, contributed to, or edited another two dozen works, including several textbooks. He has been featured in two documentaries, and writes prolifically online at diverse sites, but most frequently at his own blog, Blog and Mablog. His articles, columns, and book reviews have appeared in numerous print publications, and his novel Evangellyfish received Christianity Today’s 2012 Best Fiction award.

He was a founding board member for Logos School, and is an Educator-in-Residence for ACCS.

Pastor Doug Wilson

Trustee & Senior Fellow of Theology


  • A portrait of Doug Wilson

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    University of Idaho


    MA in Philosophy

    Regent College (Vancouver, BC)


    Additional Graduate Studies in Theology

    University of Idaho


    BA in Classical Studies

    University of Idaho


    BA in Philosophy