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Northwest Regional Choral Festival

Hosted by The Oaks Classical Christian Academy in Spokane, WA.

Saturday, November 11, 2023
2:30 AM PST to 3:30 AM PST

On November 10, the New Saint Andrews Concert and Kantorei Choirs, alongside high school choirs from the PNW, will spend the day in Spokane at The Oaks, where they will participate in the Northwest Regional Choral Festival. With over thirteen high school choirs from ACCS schools represented, Dr. Erb will lead NSA students and high school students in a day of workshopping pieces that they have been preparing for this concert event.

The concert begins at 6:30 pm PST in The Oaks gymnasium. As seating is limited, your RSVP for seats is appreciated. This signup will be closed once capacity has been reached. On the evening of the concert, seating will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.