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January 31, 2024

Is NSA Tuition Among Lowest in America?

A college degree is a significant financial decision, so ensuring that your investment will yield desirable outcomes is crucial. We have observed the bloat in higher education, where inflated costs that rely on federal grants and loans often exist alongside coursework of little substance. In contrast, New Saint Andrews College provides an exceptional education at a very low price. We firmly believe that a genuine education should be both rigorous and affordable.

Our college has a foundational commitment to refuse federal government-sponsored financial aid because we want to avoid the mandates and restrictions that come with those programs. This allows us to maintain financial independence and keep our focus on providing a quality education. Our professors are the driving force behind our program and are dedicated to providing students with a phenomenal learning experience in a faithful Christian environment. 

We offer a robust liberal arts program grounded in God’s word and based on the Oxford tutor style, which includes small weekly break-out sections for recitations led by faculty. Our students get personal interaction with godly professors as they engage and discuss material in small groups. Additionally, our faculty's senior scholars provide individual attention to students while they benefit from a Christian community.

“Beyond the great value that comes from paying low tuition for an excellent education, there is the priceless blessing of studying at an institution with uncompromised Christian beliefs,” said Jean Brainerd, the Director of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness at NSA. She added, “Each of our accreditors has awarded us formal Commendations to recognize the unity they witnessed between our Board, administrators, faculty, and students towards our mission to graduate leaders that shape culture living faithfully under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.”

"Beyond the great value that comes from paying low tuition for an excellent education, there is the priceless blessing of studying at an institution with uncompromised Christian beliefs."

The liberal arts program we offer is one of the least expensive programs in the nation. The average tuition for private colleges is over $40,000 per year, but New Saint Andrews College is less than half of that at $18,000. In fact, our tuition is very close to that of the ten least expensive private colleges in the nation. This means we are charging a very low price for a premium product.

We are not interested in graduating students with no life experience, so we encourage students to be active during their time here and plug into real life by living and working in the community. Our students regularly work summer jobs and participate in the life of local Christian churches. These experiences keep students grounded in practical Christian ways to live and serve in their life beyond college.  

The liberal arts program we offer is one of the least expensive programs in the nation.

With such a potent liberal arts program, we could charge far more than we do. But we recognize that our students and families are hard-working, and we want to keep our prices realistic and competitive. We do this by trimming off the excess amenities that other universities offer: lazy rivers, hot tubs, gym memberships, and stadiums. These amenities are not really necessary for a true education that focuses on students studying great books with mature mentors. 

Another way we help students financially is by offering freshmen the opportunity to lock in the tuition rate they pay in the first year for all four years rather than increasing the price each year. A student who buys a tuition lock pays the same tuition price from the first class to the last class for four years, which helps students and families plan their finances. 

A student who buys a tuition lock pays the same tuition price from the first class to the last class for four years.

We also offer scholarship options for interested students. General Scholarships include Northwest Competition, ACCS Alumni, ACCS Educators, Legacy, and National Merit Recognition. Merit Scholarships are Presidential, Saint Andrews, and Logos Online School. 

At NSA, we think it is vital to offer an affordable program that is academically strong and biblically faithful. We want to help students achieve their full potential at the college free of financial entanglements. Our recruitment team is ready to help students navigate various financial questions and create a smooth financial path so that students can thrive in our academic program.

Is NSA Tuition Among Lowest in America? | New Saint Andrews